Failed To Load Pdf Document Chrome
A) This only happens in Chrome (chrome in browser plugin obviously). B) Does not happen in other browsers. C) I can successfully direct access pdf's in Chrome (in browser plugin) from other websites. D) I can direct access pdf's in Chrome (in browser plugin) on our live site.
When you save the PM form as PDF, it is saving as “.txt” using Google Chrome.
Try to change the file extension to '.pdf' in the file name before saving then open the file, it will displays an error message - “Failed to load PDF document”.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Open a PM form and click the “Save as PDF” icon in the upper right part of the form.
2. Click the “Show PDF” button.
3. Click the download icon in the upper right part to download the PDF.
4. Notice that the automatic file extension was set to “.txt”.There’s also no option to save it to “.pdf”.
This issue is caused by Chrome using its build-in PDF viewer.
To save the PDF, you need disable the Chrome PDF viewer and revert to Adobe Reader, follow below steps:
1. Type 'about:plugins' in the address bar (without the quotes).
2. Hit Enter.
3. Click on details (near the top right)
4. Disable 'Chrome PDF Viewer' and enable the Adobe Flash Player.
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Failed to load PDF document, PDF, PM form, Print, save to PDF, .txt, .pdf, save form, save PM form to PDF , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-FRM , Forms & Templates , How To
- среда 22 апреля
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