Vba Find With Multiple Conditions

Starcraft 2 map editor download. If there’s one complaint I can level at it, it’s that some of the writing is ham-fisted, with some one-note character personalities.Annihilation’s missions are all separate SC2Map files, which makes launching them a little fiddlier than Mass Recall. It has multiple difficulty settings, and in an attempt to imitate StarCraft 2’s campaign tech-trees, you can pick which unit types are available to you on many missions. Annihilation attempts to mimic the style of StarCraft 2’s campaigns, including some setpiece boss battles, and a lot of dungeon crawling with small groups of heroes. Was completed in late December 2018 and consists of 24 long, multi-phase missions featuring all three races.

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New Member
Is there a way to use the Range.Find to look for multiple criteria instead of just one value, and not withing a consecutive range, but multiple columns across rows?
I'm assuming it can be accomplished by using the 'AND' but I don't know where to place it in the function.
In my case I have 4 values in one tab (Controlsheet) in the range I12:I15. These values are found in another tab (Datasheet), withing the following columns: B, F, I & J.
My current formula looks like this..but this was when i was only looking for one value in M:M
Any help is much much appreciated!

Nov 11, 2019  To repeat the search ie. To find all (multiple) occurrences of an item or value in a range, use FindNext or FindPrevious methods. These methods are used to continue the search started with the Find method, using the same parameters or conditions, and return the next (FindNext method) or previous (FindPrevious method) matching cell.